What You Will Learn in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Drug and alcohol addiction can damage many areas of a person’s life. That includes relationships, career goals, self-confidence, and daily life skills. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most commonly used therapies to help a person move forward in their lives through addiction recovery. A cognitive-behavioral therapy program teaches you how to control thoughts…

Dangers of Dating a Drug Addict

The Physical and Mental Side Effects of Addiction Some of the perils of dating a drug addict include health jeopardies. For example, sexual health is seriously damaged in someone who is suffering from drug addiction. This can put a strain on an intimate relationship. Many relationships are damaged by addiction when a person only participates in…

Can Social Media Cause Anxiety

  Teenagers are notorious for always being on their phones, tablets, or other devices. Talking with friends, posting on social media, and playing games can take up a large chunk of their time. But could this habit be hurting them? For some teens, anxiety and social media go hand-in-hand. For others, compulsive use of their…

Is Heroin Considered to Be a Narcotic

  Is Heroin a Narcotic by Definition? A narcotic is a drug that in moderate doses dulls the senses, relieves pain, or induces deep sleep. But narcotics, when misused, can cause a stupor, coma, or convulsions. Another aspect of narcotics is that they are physiologically addictive. This means that upon use, an individual’s brain chemistry…

Many people who struggle with addiction have underlying mental health disorders. This may include conditions such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. When both mental health disorders and addiction occur at the same time, they are known as co-occurring disorders. Addiction treatment combined with mental health disorder treatment can offer solutions for you. At…